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BRD Shares

SHARE FEATURES | Listed at the Bucharest Stock Exchange: January 2001 | Premium Category

Cod : BRD


Number of shares: 696 901 518

Nominal value: 1 RON

Share Capital: 696 901 518 RON

Capitalization: 10,355,956,557.48RON (as of 31 December 2020)


Starting with March 15th 2005, BRD shares have been included in the regional ROTX index, launched by Vienna Stock Market.

As of September 27th 2005, BRD shares have been part of the "New Europe Blue Chip Index" (NTX), launched by Erste Bank and Vienna Stock Market. This index summarizes the development of the stock markets in Central and Eastern Europe, judging by the 30 most important companies listed at the national values stocks.

This is a recognition of the important part played by BRD on the Romanian capital market, now bearing importance at a regional level.

Main stock parameters 2018 2019 2020
Share capital at the end of December (number of shares x 1.000) 696,902 696,902 696,902
Stock Exchange Capitalisation at the end of December (bil RON) 7,9 11,04 10,4
Price (RON)
last – at the end of December 11.40 15.84 14.86
highest 15.90 16.40 16.44
lowest 10.42 9.84 10.60