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Attention to the new typology of spoofing fraud, which involves the fraudulent use of phone numbers associated with BRD. People who claim to be employees of the bank falsify, with the help of some software, the phone numbers associated with BRD (eg: TelVerde or card emergency numbers), during phone calls in which personal or confidential data is requested. It is important not to comply with requests to disclose confidential data, regardless of the pretext used by the caller. Stay alert and report suspicious situations to us immediately by accessing the MyBRD Contact service.
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Other services
News and related materials of our current activity: from business press releases to cultural, educational, sport or technological projects
Scene 9
is an online cultural publication that shapes the portrait of the new generation of creators
Scoala 9
is an editorial project dedicated to the pre-university education created by DoR and BRD
Our team
Subsidiaries and associated entities
We invest in culture because we need leaders and projects to remind us where we come from, who we are and where we are heading to.
We strongly believe that the main driver for a higher performance of the education system is the quality of teachers. That’s why our majors programs are focussing on developping teachers’ skills.
We love sports because they provide us with an exciting journey with some beautiful moments, heroes who win, attract new fans or, on the contrary, struggle with difficult moments.
Economic development is no longer possible without environmental and social progress. It is our responsibility to propose business models that encourage the positive transformation of the world.
The Civil Society
Community involvement is designed to build sustainable intervention mechanisms so that children and young people in difficult situations can develop their skills
Financial Information
Depository services
Safekeeping, registering, monitoring and controlling the applications for subscription or redemption of fund units.
Issuer services
Distribution of fund units, dividends and bond payments. Group distribution services within public offerings.
Global and local custody services
Administration availability of customer accounts to their instructions - financial instruments operations or cash.
Clearing services
Clearing services for transactions made on Bucharest Stock Exchange, Bucharest Clearing House and SIBEX.
Saving and investments
Saving and investments
SMS banking
The remote banking service provides you with information on your bank accounts directly from your mobile phone.
The remote banking service provides you with information on your bank accounts directly from your mobile phone.
Find out more »Safekeeping, registering, monitoring and controlling the applications for subscription or redemption of fund units.
Find out more »Distribution of fund units, dividends and bond payments. Group distribution services within public offerings.
Find out more »Administration availability of customer accounts to their instructions - financial instruments operations or cash.
Find out more »Clearing services for transactions made on Bucharest Stock Exchange, Bucharest Clearing House and SIBEX.
Find out more »News and related materials of our current activity: from business press releases to cultural, educational, sport or technological projects
Find out more »is an online cultural publication that shapes the portrait of the new generation of creators
Find out more »is an editorial project dedicated to the pre-university education created by DoR and BRD
Find out more »Find here our mass media contacts
Find out more »We invest in culture because we need leaders and projects to remind us where we come from, who we are and where we are heading to.
Find out more »We strongly believe that the main driver for a higher performance of the education system is the quality of teachers. That’s why our majors programs are focussing on developping teachers’ skills.
Find out more »We love sports because they provide us with an exciting journey with some beautiful moments, heroes who win, attract new fans or, on the contrary, struggle with difficult moments.
Find out more »Economic development is no longer possible without environmental and social progress. It is our responsibility to propose business models that encourage the positive transformation of the world.
Find out more »Community involvement is designed to build sustainable intervention mechanisms so that children and young people in difficult situations can develop their skills
Find out more »And, in order to dispel the concern about subscription/redemption commissions, we tell you that no matter what choice you make, you have zero subscription/redemption commissions.
of placements
compared to the classic saving products
and professional consultancy
0 on subscription and redemption
UCITS* BRD Simfonia (denominated in RON) is an open investment fund, with investments mainly in fixed income instruments: deposits, certificates of deposit, government bonds, revo-repo contracts, bonds and money market instruments.
It is an investment alternative with high liquidity.
It offers diversification in terms of financial performance and low risk and does not invest in shares.
UCITS* BRD Simplu (denominated in RON) is an open-end investment fund, which aims to make investments of up to 100% in bank deposits, money market instruments and fixed income instruments. It is a highly liquid investment alternative.
It aims to obtain income through stable financial performance.
UCITS* BRD Euro Fond (denominated in EUR). It has a diversified portfolio, making investments predominantly on the bond markets in fixed income and monetary instruments. It is an investment alternative with immediate liquidity.
It offers diversification in terms of financial performance and minimal risk.
The Fund does not invest in shares.
UCITS* BRD USD Fond (denominated in USD) has a diversified portfolio, making investments predominantly on the bond markets in fixed income and monetary instruments.
It is an investment alternative with immediate liquidity, offering diversification in terms of financial performance and low risk.
The Fund does not invest in shares.
UCITS* BRD Obligatiuni (denominated in RON) is an open-ended investment fund, which aims to make investments on the market of fixed income instruments, especially the corporate bond market as well as other liquid assets (money market instruments, in securities admitted to the official share of a stock exchange, as well as in bank deposits at credit institutions, sight and term).
The fund does not invest in shares.
BRD Euro Simplu , open-end investment fund denominated in euro, which aims to make up to 100% investments in bank deposits, money market instruments and fixed income instruments. The objective of the fund is to obtain income through stable financial performance. Through the investments made, the fund aims to provide customers with high liquidity and diversification. The fund does not invest in shares.
It aims to obtain income through stable financial performance.
UCITS* BRD Actiuni Class A and E (denominated in RON and EUR) is an open investment fund that invests mainly in shares of Romania, up to 90% and 10% other assets with high liquidity such as: deposits, fixed income instruments, as well as financial instruments allowed by the legislation in force.
It aims to achieve relatively high financial performance while maintaining the investment over a longer time horizon.
UCITS* BRD Global Class A, E and U (denominated in RON, EUR and USD), is an open-ended investment fund with placements predominantly in global equity markets such as the United States of America, Europe and Japan. The fund will make investments mainly through tradable ETF-type UCITS.
The fund promotes environmental and social characteristics and considers that the issuers in which it invests directly or indirectly follow good governance practices.
The fund's strategic allocation is 75% in equities or ETFs with exposure to global equity markets and 25% in other assets such as deposits and fixed income financial instruments. Through the investments made, the fund aims to offer clients high liquidity and diversification.
UCITS* BRD Diverso Class A and E (denominated in RON and EUR) is an investment fund of diversified (mixed) type. It invests in several categories of financial instruments (equities, monetary and fixed income instruments, state and corporate bonds). It uses the investment strategy known in the speciality literature as Constant Proportion Portfolio Insurance (CPPI) which aims to limit, as far as possible, the losses that would be recorded in the event of the markets falling to the protected value (the maximum value recorded in the previous 12 months).
Current date, except for the period immediately following the authorization of the prospectus when the maximum value for the period between the authorization date and the current date will be taken into account. Allows obtaining relatively stable financial performances (the stability offered by the fixed income and monetary instruments is combined with the higher dynamics). Wide range of equity instruments).
BRD Oportunități (Class RON, Class EUR and Class USD) Open-end investment fund denominated in both RON, EURO and USD, with a flexible investment allocation, being able to invest both in Romania and on global markets. The Fund's strategic allocation is 60% shares and 40% other assets, but it may deviate significantly from it. The objective of the fund is to obtain favorable long-term returns, by capitalizing on investment opportunities in the financial markets of stocks, bonds and monetary instruments. Through the investments made, the fund aims to provide customers with high liquidity and diversification.
BRD Orizont 2035 (denominated in RON and EUR) Open-end investment fund with a predetermined time horizon (2035) and dynamic asset allocation. The fund will have a higher risk / return profile in the first years of investment, when the investment horizon is far away, thus offering investors the opportunity to have increased exposure to shares. As the time horizon to the target date decreases, the Fund will increase its allocation to low risk / return assets, such as bonds and money market instruments, to reduce risk and increase predictability.
The objective of the fund is to obtain favorable long-term returns, as well as to gradually limit the volatility of the portfolio in order to preserve the value as the Fund approaches the target date.
Through the investments made, the fund aims to provide customers with high liquidity and diversification.
BRD Orizont 2045 (denominated in RON and EUR) Open-end investment fund with a predetermined time horizon (2045) and dynamic asset allocation. The fund will have a higher risk / return profile in the first years of investment, when the investment horizon is far away, thus offering investors the opportunity to have increased exposure to shares. As the time horizon to the target date decreases, the Fund will increase its allocation to low risk / return assets, such as bonds and money market instruments, to reduce risk and increase predictability.
The objective of the fund is to obtain favorable long-term returns, as well as to gradually limit the volatility of the portfolio in order to preserve the value as the Fund approaches the target date.
Through the investments made, the fund aims to provide customers with high liquidity and diversification.
Find more about investment funds HERE.
*UCITS = Undertakings for the Collective Investment in Transferable Securities
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These confidential data will be used only for the internet banking authentication or for online payments.
At the same time, if you notice a different appearance of the usual MyBRD Net application (ex. A notification message that the page is unavailable and you are invited to log in again, or to sync your token device), please stop the authentication process immediately and contact as soon as possible through MyBRD Contact tel: 021 302 6161.
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