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Phone banking

MyBRD Contact is the phone banking services offered by BRD, whereby a dedicated phone line is made available to you to ensure a simple and effective relationship with the bank.


  • Automatic checking of the balance and history of performed operations, 24/7
  • No subscription and no additional cost for the phone call
  • Obtaining full information on the bank’s offer of products and services
  • Specialised assistance in using the held products
  • Time saving by directly scheduling meetings with your dedicated relationship manager


Vocalis is the ideal solution for your business... if you need customised information regarding your accounts, outside the BRD agencies working hours. All you have to do is call the Vocalis service to receive the information you need.

The service can be accessed by a simple phone call, Monday to Sunday between 8:00 - 22:00, at the following phone numbers:


  • 0800 803 803 (free TelVerde number available only in the Romtelecom network)
  • 021 / 302 61 61 (normal toll number)
  • *BANCA ~ *22622 (charged as a call within the network, from any Orange or Vodafone number)


Can I also check my balance and operations after 22:00?

The balance and operations history can be checked automatically using the identification elements at any time.
Can the service also be accessed from abroad?
Yes, MyBRD Contact service is also available for calls made from abroad in the networks of the operators with which roaming agreements were signed.
Is the access to the account balance information secure?
Yes, access is given using a user code provided by the bank and a password that you set personally upon the first access.